Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The 3 Things

3 hidden character of myself
1)I ignore someone when I'm mad with them
2)I cry even for the smallest thing
3)I do care for someone although they hurt me

3 things I love most
1)my family
2)well....(hey,don't get me wrong)
3)my friends!!!

3 Things That I really suck at
3)Managing the laundry(actually just the folding part)

3 Favourite drinks
1)Plain water
2)Orange Juice
3)Anything with chocolate

3 Favourite Traditional Dish
1)Asam Pedas(woohooo)
2)Pari Bakar(which I haven't ate for years due to health reasons)
3)Haruan Kukus(yum..yum..)

3 Favourite Modern Dish
3)Mac and Cheese(most of it are loaded with cheese!)

3 Memorable birthday gift I've ever received
1)A huge panda plush(given by my dad when I was little)
3)A box of chocolate(given by....ehehehehe)

3 Favourite subjects in school

3 People I'm looking foward to see before I die
1)My long lost friend,Mariam(she's in Spain now)
2)My future husband(if that happens..ahahahahahaHAHA!)
3)well..I haven't decide on it yet..hahaha

3 Things I would like to try before I die
1)Roller coaster ride
2)Bunjee Jumping
3)Riding a F1 Car..wahahaha

3 Things that I wish for my birthday
1)iPhone(totally superb)
2)A Nikon D90 camera
3)An Apple Laptop

3 Names that I was known by

3 Places that I would like to go
2)United Kingdom
3)Australia( the wombats)

3 Favourite sports that makes me stick to the TV
1)Ice Hockey

3 TV shows which I lurveeeee...
1)One Tree Hill
2)The Golden Girls
3)The Gilmore Girls

3 All time favourite cartoons
2)Doraemon(I actually memerize the songs..ahahahaha)
3)Hamtaro(I named my hamster after it)

3 Things That I would't leave the house without it
1)My phone
2) IC

3 Things I love to do when no one's looking
2)Day dreaming
3)Talking to myself looking at the mirror(this is so embarassing)

3 Things That I would rather show than say
1)I hate you!
2)I love you!
3)You're important to me!

3 All Time favourite English Song
1)That Thing You Do by The Wonders
2)I Wanna Hold Your Hand by The Beetles
3)Making Love Out Of Nothing by Air Supply

3 Famous people I would like to meet
1)Steven Speilberg
2)Racheal Ray(I could use some effective cooking tips)
3)Syamsul Yusof(Superb hot young director!)

3 Ambitions that I think the most silly of all
1)Singer(well,its just that I have stage fright)
2)A Pilot(if my sight was perfect)
3)A Geologist(yeah,I was amaze by all those The Mummy movies)

3 Things that I would do to change the world
1)Prison all the vilians
2)Destroy all the guns and boms
3)Bring all the poor people to a better place to live in

3 Important Event that I would never want my loved one's to forget
1)My birthday!!!(I would kill if they do)
2)Family gathering on the last day of fasting

3 Things that I'd like to tell my loved one's
1)Thanks for everything
2)Sorry if I've hurt you before
3)I love you..muah..

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Renungkan wahai anak-anak Adam & Hawa

Jika seorang lelaki itu kuat imannya,kuat hatinya dan taqwanya kepada Allah,dia tidak akan sesekali menghindari dirinya dari mencintai wanita kerana Allah.Seorang lelaki tidak mungkin akan berjaya tanpa kehadiran seorang insan bergelar wanita iaitu ibu mahupun isteri.Oleh itu,wanita ialah insan yang seharusnya dihargai dan dikagumi.Tangan yang memegang buai itulah yang mampu mengoncang dunia.Sekuat mana pun seorang lelaki,namun tidak mampu menandingi kekuatan seorang wanita.Dalam al-Quran juga berkata bahawa selepas Allah dan Rasul,orang yang sepatutnya kita manusia taati ialah ibu.Ibu adalah seorang wanita yang banyak berjasa dan berkorban untuk memastikan anaknya mendapat yang terbaik.Hargai lah wanita-wanita disekeliling anda.Janganlah membiarkan mereka menangis.Titisan air mata wanita itu terlalu berharga dan hormatilah wanita.Sesungguhnya mereka adalah penyeri kehidupan kurniaan Tuhan.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

My Hero

I like watching cartoons even till now.Watching superheroes saving the evil villians really thrilled me.But the superhero I adore most is my dad.Since I was born,my dad was the one took care of me.As I grow,I would follow my dad to work even to his landscape area.I really had fun going around with him.For me,although he doesn't talk as much as I do,but his attention and care that he shows to me really means a lot.My mum would always say that sometimes she's jealous of me as my dad would always be on my side and give me whatever I want and I would just laugh.But maybe she was right.Whatever happens,I can always turn to my father and he would always be there for me.Now that I'm a big girl,I would never want to stop being a daddy's girl.I would always be his little girl and I promise that I would always be there for him.Thank you dad.I love you so much.

Friday, April 24, 2009

You and I

You and I,
We're both different.
Seperated in two different worlds,
Yet fate brought us together.

You and I,
Separated in distance.
Jokes and late night conversation,
Brought the sparks to life.

You and I,
Met in a short period.
With a smile,
You've stolen my biggest treasure.

You and I,
Things seems impossible.
Somehow I couldn't deny,
The feelings I kept inside.

You and I,
Finally I stood.
Letting all out.
Realising the risk of being hurt.

You and I,
Took a step.
Knowing the consequences,
Yet we made it through.

You and I,
Now happy together.
I would never want to lose you,
Cause you're a part of me.



I read her blog this morning and I was really touched by all the things she mention.It seems like only yesterday we met each other.Well,for all I know she was a student from the next class.Then,we became good friends when she was appointed as the English club secretary which means she's my assistant.So all the work we did together actually brought us closer.Well,we do fight a lot..Hahaha..Then came the whole debate team and both of us were in it.We kept supporting each other going through all those hard times.I still remember that night when she was sick and we were practicing for our debate,she still made an effort to be there with us although she was sneezing and shiverring.And when I cried,she would always be there for me.When I had a stage fright,she would always pat me in the beck and say,"Its ok,you did well".

Day by day,we became closer..Every morning we met in school,there's always something to talk about.We shared almost everything from silly crush to our deepest secrets.Then I met her mom.Its funny actually how pretty fast I became familiar with her family.When there's her mom,she and me in the car,its like almost a disco.We would sing our heart out living our life to the fullest.Her mom is just like my mum.That's why she called me the "anak angkat".hahaha
Everytime I need a hand or someone to turn to,she would always be there for me.We're like twins.Similar characters but we do fight a lot...hahaha..From gossiping,to shopping out loud till late night conversation,she's someone I would never tend to lose.
Thank you my dear friend.
Thank you Dhira